
That is so awesome!! I think it's really about finding the essence of what your dream is. Which in your case, would be experiencing something new with your husband. And there you go, monthly date nights provide that for you! And then maybe at some point, you can make the dream of traveling the world a reality!

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Love this I have these conversations with my partner all the time so we remind ourselves of where we want to get to and the baby steps we can already take.

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Would you share where you want to get to? I am always so curious and simply love these conversation. But I also understand if it’s too personal for you to share!

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Having a lot less stress I think is one of the most common themes in the responses that I have gotten. It's the number one key factor for me too.

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That is actually really interesting, you are right! It's just the type of "doing" that is so different for many of us out there.

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I love how you're saying that it keeps you going even if it doesn't end up happening. And who knows, maybe it will! Yellow is actually my favorite color. I've never considered the shade sunset yellow though, thanks for bringing that into my life!

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That sounds like a dream - a house with a big garden and growing your own produce. I love yoga too, I do it every morning. I have also actually thought about doing a teacher training but haven’t committed yet.

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Mine would be to try to become a pro padel player by the time I’m 45. I’m already playing 2-4 days a week, so I have an MVP. 🤣 Great post! Did you start your garden? 🪴

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That is so cool!! I have never played padel but have heard so much about it. I should really try it out. Thanks for leaving your comment :) I haven't started my garden yet. I think we were too far into the summer when I thought about starting it. But it's for sure on my list for next year!

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If money wasn’t a thing I would live near my sister and have a slow and simple life where I shop locally, eat seasonally and have a minimal online presence. I’d probably still do most of what I do now - cooking from scratch, baking bread, but I’d have a lot less stress.

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What’s interesting is that most people don’t want to just sit around. They want to continue doing some form of work/something that they see value in, even if the monetary value isn’t immediate. This question is hard for me because I would want to do a ton of stuff, but at the core of it being able to write for sustainability would be there I think. From there tons of passions come off.

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What would I do if money wasn't a thing? Live simply. Wake up to the sunrise and sit on the porch with a big glass of water. Paint. Cook meals from my garden. Take a daily walk down to the water (in my dream world I live on some sort of lake). I think my MVP would be keeping a sketchbook.

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Watching the sunrise is a big part of it all for me too. It grounds me, I almost need that marker for the day starting. And painting, so beautiful! I've never gotten into it but have always admired the craft. I love thinking about the MVP. It just helps us to get started.

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I'd really love to travel the world with my husband, but unfortunately, it's expensive and we can't just up and leave our little kids. So for now, our MVP is going on monthly date nights around town :)

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If I could, I'd have a two story house with a big yard. I'd work on my writing and art skills. My house would be yellow, but not a highlighter kind of yellow. More of a sunset yellow. I'd also travel. I've always wanted to, but I don't have the means for it. I'd go to London though, and travel through the countryside. Nature has always been amazing to me. This is definately a lot, but it's what keeps me going, even if it doesn't end up happening.

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Love this. It’s a question I think about often. I would definitely have a house with a big garden in the countryside and cook my meals using those fresh vegetables. I’d become a yoga teacher as well (something I do want to do at some point in this life where money does still exist, but likely not full-time).

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